Talking to a person you have never met can be a nerve-wracking experience for some people. Especially if you find them attractive. Having some kind of strategy can help lessen those nerves. In this second part of a three-part micro-course series John and Ashley break things down into easy to understand parts so nearly anyone can walk up to a person, start a conversation, and set a time to meet up later on.

At the end of this lesson, John and Ashley do a mock interaction so you can hear how a general conversation would flow from beginning to end. Then just to sweeten the deal a little more they make an offer to coach anyone who needs a little additional help getting over a problem area. In addition to this, the Girls Ask Guys Show group officially opens to anyone who wants to learn a little more about meeting someone new and building a relationship with integrity and authenticity.

Don’t forget to download the PDF worksheets included in this section of the course. For the free coaching go to the Girls Ask Guys Show website contact page.

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