Jessica Yaniv is also known as Johnathan Yaniv. A self-proclaimed trans-male who has made international headlines with court cases against people and businesses who do not recognize “her” sexual orientation.

We do our best to follow the crazy timeline of Jessica’s actions while also bringing awareness to those who may not know of Jessica’s predatory allegations against “her”.

We start at the “waxing” case that started it all. Then go through several other incidents including where Gregory Jackson (Onision) attempts to get involved. We look at the case where Jessica is attempting to sue an OBGYN doctor, to “her” debate with Blaire White that resulted in an arrest.

Finally, John and Ashley make a discovery that they had missed in their combined 500 hours of preparation for this show. It results in a load of laughs and a website you will be sure to want to check for yourself.

As promised here are the link repositories we used:

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